Our Ministries.


Food Pantry

Every Thursday from 9:30-11am, Hope’s food pantry gives out food and clothing to 50 families in the area!

There are many ways to get involved.

  1. If you’d like to serve with us, contact us and we will get you plugged in.

  2. If you have any extra clothing you’d like to give away to families that need it, feel free to drop that off during the food pantry hours.

  3. If you’d like to donate specifically to this ministry, contact us and we will tell you how to!

  4. Most importantly, through prayer! We’d love for you to lift up those who serve as well as those we serve.

Grief Share

Grief Share began at Hope just a few years ago and it has since become a thriving ministry here. It’s a free 13-week program that provides help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member, or friend. The next session begins September 16, 2023 from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm. Register on online at Hope Lutheran Church Group. If you have any specific questions, give us a call at 414-975-7373 or contact us at Hope and we will get back to you as soon as we can!



Mission of Christ Lutheran Church

Wednesday Evening’s

Join MOC via Zoom at 6:00pm as God’s word is studied and discussed. 

Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84248607584 pwd=MXNaWXhHRGlSTXlqcE5KOTBWWHc0dz09

Meeting ID: 842 4860 7584               

Passcode: 815812

Postponed - First Friday: Parents Night Off

First Friday is a popular monthly event in western Milwaukee (Kops Park) and Brown Deer. Starting May 2023, Hope brings Parents Night Off to our neighborhood families by introducing their own First Friday of every month! For just $2 - $3 per child, ages 4 and up, parents get a night off while kids eat a simple, healthy supper and enjoy a safe, laid back night with neighborhood friends. From 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm* they’ll share a wide variety of smile-packed activities.

Pre-registration is strongly recommended - we don’t want to run short for meals. Payment is due when you drop off your child(ren). Please call (262)253-6958 to register by phone or with questions.

While First Friday is meant to provide fun and enjoyment for everyone involved, we do not permit behavior or language that displays a lack of respect for our First Friday leaders and friends.